
Chapter Information:



In the Fall of 2018 the Millers River Chapter marks its 16th anniversary as Chapter 725 of Trout Unlimited. The chapter was created to conserve, protect, and restore the Millers River and its numerous tributaries. The Chapter has two major accomplishments: 1) in cooperation with the Massachusetts DFW, we have restored brown trout stocking and also 2) begun work with local veterans service organizations to promote educational programs and fly tying classes.


We have a full conservation agenda and work actively with the MA/RI Council. We have formed alliances with other conservation minded groups to preserve, protect and restore our watershed.


Most of all, we are making every effort to engage the present membership with meaningful activities that give value to their belonging to the group. We offer online surveys and frequently ask for feedback from the members as to the direction they want us to take.


Recently, we initiated efforts to attract women to the group and find ways to best support them in this venture. Also, our updated facebook group, gives members a chance to provide input about fishing and conservation. This moderated platform gives the most up to date information regarding current activity on, or about, our watershed.


The Chapter meets regularly from September through June on the third Thursday of every month, 7PM, at the Otter River Sportsmens Club. Regular events include a business meeting and election of officers in November and we end our meeting season in June with a  BBQ on the river (see Calendar of Events page for more details).


Visit our Chapter on Facebook!!!




Visit our Veterans Program on Facebook!!!

